Yesterday, April 24, an event celebrating Havrijil Kosteljnik was held at the Institute for the Culture of the Vojvodina Ruthenians. The occasion … [Read more...] about An evening dedicated to Havrijil Kosteljnik
New editions in the Ruthenian language were introduced at the Novi Sad Fair
Yesterday, on March 21, during the Novi Sad Book Fair, new books in the Ruthenian language were promoted. These books were published by "Ruskе slovo" … [Read more...] about New editions in the Ruthenian language were introduced at the Novi Sad Fair
A meeting was held with Đura Laćak
Yesterday, January 31, a meeting with Đura Laćak was held on the premises of the Institute for culture of Ruthenians in Vojvodina. Đura Laćak is … [Read more...] about A meeting was held with Đura Laćak
The national holiday of the Ruthenians was solemnly celebrated in Đurđevo
The ceremonial academy held in Đurđevo on January 17 marked the National Holiday of the Ruthenians in the Republic of Serbia. The holiday, … [Read more...] about The national holiday of the Ruthenians was solemnly celebrated in Đurđevo
Promotion of “History of Ruhtenians” at the Institute
Yesterday, a book promotion event was held at the Institute for Culture of Ruthenians in Vojvodina. The event was organized to introduce the book … [Read more...] about Promotion of “History of Ruhtenians” at the Institute
Dr. Kwokas’ book was also presented in Ruski Kerestur
After succesfull promotion of the monograph titled "Wojwodina i jej Rusini: O języku, kulturze i historii Rusinów wojwodińskich" by Dr. Tomaš Kwoka in … [Read more...] about Dr. Kwokas’ book was also presented in Ruski Kerestur