The Fifth Ruthenian Scientific Conference for Students, Young Scientists and Experts will be held on May 12, 2021, starting at 2 pm via the Zoom platform. The conference will be broadcast live on the official Facebook page of the Institute.

The conference program will include presentations of young scientists, researchers and students: MSR Ana Rimar Simunović, Andrej Oros, MSR Jelena Dudaš, Jakub Pavljak, MSR Dorotea Budinski and MSR Saša Sabadoš. The Proceedings from the Conference will also include the papers by Marina Sakač and MSR Marina Šlemender.
Each participant will have 15 minutes to present their work, and the discussion of each presented work will last up to 10 minutes.
The Proceedings from the 5th conference will be published jointly by the JPH “Ruske slovo” and the Institute for Culture of Ruthenians in Vojvodina.
The conference is organized by the Informal Association “Research Circle”, JPH “Ruske slovo”, the Institute for Culture of Ruthenians in Vojvodina and the Department of Ruthenian Studies.