On Friday, October 6th, the Institute for Culture of Ruthenians in Vojvodina held the first of a series of meetings with famous individuals from the Ruthenian community. The first guest to attend was Ljubomir Međeši, an ethnologist, publicist, and cultural worker residing in Canada for 30 years. Saša Sabadoš, the director of the Institute, moderated the event.

Međeši discussed his upbringing in Ruski Kerestur and how he first got involved in community work. He spoke about the important role that teacher Janko Olear played in the development of the largest Ruthenian village in the second half of the 20th century. Despite his contributions, Olear was not fully appreciated and did not receive the recognition he deserved. Međeši also shared his experiences as the director of “Ruske slovo” and discussed the future of organizing the Ruthenian community in Canada.