On Thursday, October 24, at the 67th International Belgrade Book Fair, the current publishing production of Ruske slovo, the Institute for culture of Ruthenians in Vojvodina and Ruska matka was presented.

The directors of those institutions, MSc Saša Sabadoš and Dr. Boris Varga, spoke about joint books, especially those with a capital character or documentary themes published by Ruske slovo and the Institute for culture of Ruthenians in Vojvodina. The focus was on the titles Around the Danube, Over the Dnieper – Correspondence between Mihajlo Kovač and Oleksa Mišanič (Tам коло Дунаю, там над Днїпром – преписка Михайло Ковач – Олекса Мишанич) and One Soldier, Two Slavery, Three Uniforms (Єден вояк, два рабства, три униформи). Both titles were edited by the late prof. Janko Ramač, and are described as works that can be useful for a better and deeper understanding of significant historical and social processes that influenced the formation of the Ruthenian national community.