Within the edition of innovations “Vladimir Garjanski”, the Institute for Culture of Ruthenians in Vojvodina published the eighth publication. It is a master’s thesis entitled “Verb prefixes in English and Ruthenian (SEMANTIC AND ASPECTUAL ANALYSIS)” by Marina Schlemender, whose mentors were prof. Predrag Novakov and prof. Mihajlo Fejsa. The publication was published in Ruthenian and English.

Due to the epidemiological situation in the country, the promotion of the publication was held online without a physically present audience, but all interested in the topic were able to participate with their questions via the Facebook page of the Institute. This publication will be especially interesting to linguists because of the comparison of a language that transcends the borders of the country in which it is spoken with the language of Ruthenians in Vojvodina. The works used for the analysis in the thesis are the literary text “Alice in Wonderland” (1865) by Louis Carroll translated into Ruthenian by Mihajlo Fejsa and the book by the same author “New Serbia and its Ruthenian minority” (2010), written in English and translated in Ruthenian.

In this way, the Institute continues the long-term practice of supporting and affirming highly educated Ruthenian youth and scientific research. Through this program, the Institute supports the publication of master’s theses of general interest in culture for the Ruthenian community in Vojvodina with a focus on a certain segment of Ruthenian culture, history, heritage, language and the like.